Friday, January 27, 2012

Keeping Shabbat....usually

It's a really funny topic in our house, Shabbat. Not growing up Jewish, the idea of not using electricity boggled my brain during my early conversion studies and marriage. My husband, growing up for the most part Modern Orthodox/Conservadox before his parents joined Reform shul over politics, learned early on how to either enjoy the restrictions or well...get around them.

For the most part for the last 5 years, we've been fairly observant. We have all the shabbat gadgets and timers and we use them. We're not perfect but we try.  Not tonight though. One temporarily bed resting mama (I did something stupid during that icey spell and let's leave it at that) has decided that tonight I want Netflix. I want my computer, and my key to the outside world. And I'm not using my sister to get it. So forgive, me but tonight I'm breaking Shabbos to watch MOT Lewis Black.