Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby Wearing.

image reuploaded from the doula shop, copyright and credit belongs to them.

The sling pictured above may or may not have saved my sanity. I can't be certain either way because honestly my memories of the time of initial usage? Bit of a blur. I had a preschooler, toddler, newborn, and an awesome cause of sleep deprivation not at all helped by the fact that A. was early, and even tinier than my existing Lilliputian children.

What I remember most about first wearing her was the comfort I felt. I'd been gifted with, and lightly used a few kinds of baby wearing devices with C. and N. but never really adjusted to them. I'm somewhat ashamed to say it now but baby wearing seemed strange and too old fashioned to a very young, very immature me. It took three kids, 3 years, and two hands for me to realize I needed some other option simply to get through each day. Enter the Peanut shell, the Maya, the Ergo, and a few of their knock off cousins (have you seen the price on those things? I have 5 kids, I can't afford that just for a new fabric color). The green fleece was the most used of all though. I think it was given to me for N., or somewhere in between. Either way, that provided me with an ease of access this mama needed to do stupidly simple stuff.

Fast forward a few years, and two more babies who've been or are being toted around on their Mama's front/side/back. And then this article today. Part of me tries to be rational about it, remind myself that if properly used it shouldn't hurt the kids. It's still scary though, because you know the mothers mentioned had that same instinct to protect their child, but instinct alone simply wasn't enough. Sometimes I think sanity is only an illusion.

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